• Donations & Contributions
It is not easy nowadays to decide which cause to donate money, properties or any type of assets to. Renor does not claim to be the best entity to donate when one wants to support an individual, entity, or any valid cause; however, Renor is the only one known to use specific financial strategies to ensure all donations get the maximum results lasting for a long time - actually, endlessly in some cases. Here are some of the highlights related to your donations:
· You choose the cause and/or the benficiary you want to support;
· You decide if all the funds are to be used for a specific purpose or for assignment by the Foundation;
· You can allocate your donation for specific use or allocate any portion to different causes;
· You can request distribution of a portion of your donations to any 501(c)(3) entity (when allowed by Law);
· Large donations are normally managed using accelerated endowments, unless requested otherwise by the donor;
· All donations to the Renor Foundation are tax deductible, as per IRS regulations. For information,visit irs.gov
• Types of Donation & Contribution
Pretty much any type of funds and assets may be used to support Renor's mission, including but not limited to: cash, check, online, wire transfer, endowments, properties, hard assets, discounts on products/services, transferable tax credits, any type of real estate properties, inheritance, insurance policies, precious metals, cars, trucks, golf carts, trailers, RV, farm/ranch/horse equipment, etc.
To facilitate the process, we have divided potential donations & contributions into six categories:
• Endowments
An endowment is a very common way to support a good cause. As an example, there are over 70 U.S. universities with over $1 billion in endowments, the largest being Harvard with well over $35 billion. Endowments are ideal when a donor does not only want to fund current needs, but also wishes the gift to be preserved and used long after he/she is gone, to assure a perpetual income stream that will support a specific area of interest, create a lasting legacy and make a statement about what is important to that donor. Renor welcomes named endowments that provide a legacy, preserve a name, and stand as a permanent expression of a person’s values while generating lasting income for the cause. See the latest Press Release announcing 100% insured Endowments, a first in the industry. Email Endowments@renor.org for details.
• Process
Each donation & contribution requires special handling and documentation as well as different legal & IRS considerations. To find out more and discuss the details, please contact:
- Donations: donations@renor.org - Endowments: endowments@renor.org - Mentors: mentors@renor.org - Supporters: supporters@renor.org - Sponsorships: sponsors@renor.org - General info: ContactUs@renor.org
Resource: IRS position is explained with all the details in Publication 526
• Disclaimer: The Renor Foundation is authorized by the State of Florida to publicly solicit contributions under the banner of the Foundation for Equestrian Athletes (FEA) which is the original legal structure of the Foundation. FEA is also officially recognized as a tax-exempt Public Charity under section 501(c)(3) of the internal Revenue Code. Your donation(s) will be TAX DEDUCTIBLE according to IRS regulations as per IRS 501c3 rules explained in Publication 526, but is totally depending on your own financial and tax situation. While Renor has attempted to make the information on this website as accurate as possible, the information is provided in good faith without any express or implied warranty. The purpose of our website is to provide information about what we do. Renor does not prefer any one organization or entity to another, and it is not responsible for the information listed on any entity's website, or any disseminated information either verbal or written. We are not making any promises of performance or results. We are not financial advisers and nothing on this website should be construed or interpreted as an offer for investment. This site is operated for informational purposes only.
A copy of the official registration and financial information may be obtained from the Division of Consumer Services by calling toll-free within the State. Registration does not imply endorsement, approval, or recommendation by the State. Please contact the Florida Division of Consumer Services directly at 1-800-HELP-FLA (435-7352) or visit their website www.FloridaConsumerHelp.com