Over the years, Renor has enjoyed the strong support of key individuals. Their support has been ensuring our ability to provide the best services possible to the entire community. Since Renor is part of a 501(c)(3) non-profit public charity, many have found that giving can not only support the mission of our supported charities, but also help themselves in their financial planning.

The following list is intended to be a helpful guide to the variety of ways to make a gift to Renor. This is not intended as tax advice. Tax laws differ for federal and state purposes, from state to state, country to country, and are always subject to change. Each donor’s tax situation is unique. Please consult your own tax advisers to determine the tax consequences in your own case, of any gift you wish to make.
 For cash & vehicle donations, please go back to our Summary page.

 RECOMMENDATION: Watch this one first: Planned-Giving Explained 

  Gifts Anyone 
Can Make
(in addition to
or services)

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 Gifts that





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Gifts that



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 Corporate Matching Gifts

Some corporations encourage employees to make charitable contributions by matching their gifts dollar-for-dollar. Sometimes these companies even double or triple your gift. If you are not sure if your company would match your donation, we will be happy to check into it for you. More info

 Gifts by Will or Bequest  

While most people are familiar with a Will, the term "bequest" is not quite as frequently used. A bequest is a gift from your estate, a transfer of cash, securities, or other property made through your estate plans.  Bequests large and small will contribute to the good health of a charity over the years. By including a charity in their will, many donors will find they are able to make a much larger gift than they would thought possible. 
Bequests can help reduce your estate taxes and is relatively easy to set up. More info

 Gifts of Stock & Appreciated Securities

Donors often like to make gifts of appreciated long-term securities as a way of supporting their community and cause(s) they believe in. Check with your adviser to see how making a gift of stock can help you make a lasting impact while bypassing capital gains tax.
To make a gift of stock to or through Renor, you will need to follow a certain process which we will gladly help you with.  More info

 Gifts of Closely Held Stock

If making a gift of closely held stock, the donor usually avoids capital gains on appreciation of the stock and receives a tax deduction. Often gifts such as this are followed by an offer from the corporation to redeem the stock with its retained earnings. The charity must approve gifts of closely held stock.  More info

 Gifts of Real Estate

Gifts can consist of almost any type of property: personal or recreational residence, farm or ranch, commercial building, subdivision lots, undeveloped property or a fractional interest in property. Assets may be given outright and serve as the corpus of a trust arrangement or, in the case of a personal residence, given with the right of lifetime tenancy by donor and/or spouse. The benefits to the donor usually include an immediate partial charitable deduction as well as bypassing capital gains tax.
The charity must approve gifts of real estate.

 Gifts of Life Insurance

Using life insurance to make a major gift is an option for donors who no longer need policies they purchased years ago. You may choose to assign your policies irrevocably to the charity or to one of its programs.
In most cases, you would realize an immediate tax deduction in the amount of the policy’s current value. The proceeds would not be subject to estate taxes and the premiums would be deductible for income tax purposes in the years thereafter, in which they are paid.
The charity must approve gifts of life insurance.  More info

 Charitable Remainder Unitrusts and Annuity Trusts (CRUTs & CRATs)

Charitable trusts are particularly beneficial if you hold highly appreciated low-yield investments from which you would like to earn a higher return. A tax deduction should be allowed at the time the charitable trust is created. Contact the charity's Director (email) or your advisers since the size of the deduction depends on the donor’s age, payment percentage, and other factors.  More info

 Charitable Lead Trusts

You can make a gift of the current income by putting property in a simple trust. You would specify the percentage of the total annual value that the charity is to receive. At the end of a designated period, the property is returned to you or to the non-charitable beneficiaries you have named. Such trusts may allow immediate tax advantages or may reduce the gift tax when the assets are passed to children or grandchildren at the expiration of the trust.  More info

 Personal Property and Other Asset Donation

A non-profit such as Renor welcomes donations of any type, such as money, any vehicle, plane, boat, real estate, privately-owned asset, and any other type of assets. We will be happy to discuss with you some strategies based on your current situation, and how a donation from you could best benefit you and our cause, or any other cause you would like to support. More info

 Donor-Advised Fund and Fractional Donation

A charitable gift to Renor but that may benefit one or several other charities. More...


Please contact us to discuss options available for the mutual benefits of a potential donation. 

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